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miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

The best Christmas Commercial

John Lewis is a department store in England, which, among other things, is known for having the best Christmas commercials. This year they didn’t disappoint. To start, the protagonist is a penguin in search of an impossible love to the beat of a cover of “Real love” by John Lennon.  The description is enough to make you cry.

The best Christmas Commercial

Monty is the perfect pet for the boy with whom he lives. They play soccer, have fun on a trampoline, and even decorate the Christmas tree together.  Anybody would think that it is Stuart Little’s version of Antarctica. But, as always in life, love complicates everything.  Everything was happiness until Monty notices all the couples around him, and notices that he is alone in the world, because it appears that keeping a penguin as a pet is not as common as we thought.

But since it is Christmas and we suppose that this is a happy commercial, the small flightless bird wakes up and finds a female penguin (we assume) underneath the tree, inside of a box.
Nothing says “I love you” like giving somebody their life partner.

Video on Youtube

Translated by Jessica Amezquita
Creditos: Revista Cosas.

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