Mis compras

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2015

Note #1

        My first day in Albuquerque
 My first day in Albuquerque was something new for me. I remember that I arrived with my husband and my mother in law, and my aunt went to pick us up from the airport. That same day my aunt gave us a little tour around Albuquerque, because we were interested in finding a new house.  I remember that day was very busy, because we were going from one place to another.  We were looking for a quiet place close to UNM. After many hours of looking, we couldn’t find anything that day.

                                                              Photo: Petersonlive on Photography & Design

When it was lunch time, my aunt took us to a famous restaurant here called Frontier.  We ordered something light to eat and a lot of beverages, because it was very hot and we were thirsty.  At night we went to Santa Fe, because my aunt has a house there, so finally that was my first day in Albuquerque 3 years ago.

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