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lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Note #2: Discovering new places at the university

Today my partner Changhun Song and I had a small tour around the University of New Mexico (UNM), because our teacher Linka gave us an assignment, which consisted in identifying some buildings and services that are in this university. So we were planning first to go to the Info center to order the map and get some orientation.  Once we had a map, we went to the Zimmerman Library and there we found the Center for Academic Program Support (CAPS).  There we had a meeting with Callie French who gave us some information about CAPS and signed our assignment paper.

     Then we looked at our assignment and had to find the building about mental health and counseling, but that was easy, because my partner had already visited it before. There we were attended by an assistant, who told us about the functions of this area; also she gave us flyers and kindly signed our assignment.

    Finally we went to the Anthropology Building to visit the Maxwell Museum but unfortunately it was closed. We read on a poster that the museum is open from Tuesday to Friday 10 .00 am – 4.00 pm, however we found an employee who works for the undergraduate program and he told us about the exhibits that the museum currently has.

   Overall today was a wonderful day, because I discovered new places at the university.

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